Monday, July 4, 2011


JESUS tell us in St. John 12;32. ( And I, if I be lifted up from the earth,will draw all men unto me ) But we won't even lift up our hands in church. If we can't praise him in church when your hidden by 4 walls how are you going to do it when you don't have wall's to hide behind? I asked a church one time to raise their hands and only 3 people did. What is Wong? Do we think that a big sign is Enough? We have to lift him up as indivuals, and not just when we are in church. On the job, At Walmart, At Lowes, I don't mean run through Walmart with your hands up praising GOD. I just mean not to be ashamed to let people know you are a christian. Don't be ashamed to use the name JESUS instead of the phrase "the man upstairs". Don't be ashamed to let people know you are a christian by the way you conduct yourself and by the conversations you hold. What ever you say or do in word or deed do all in the name of JESUS. (not as a curse word, but with honor)