Saturday, June 25, 2011


About 7 or 8 years ago I was sitting in a breakroom at a trucking company talking to some of my friends that was there. One of them appeared to be a really good Christian because of the way he conducted himself. The driver I was waiting on was running a little bit late that night I could tell immediately that there was something wrong with him. I begain to talk to him and it didn't take long for him to break down and cry and began to tell us he had brain cancer. The man that I spoke of earlier that I beleived was a Christian didn't even hesitate he immediately got up and walked over the other driver and laid hands on him and began to pray for him. Now that is how you lift up the name of Jesus. Jesus said if I be lifted up I will draw all men unto me. I know most of us beleive as long as we show up for church on Sunday Morning we are lifting him up and doing God a favor. This is not lifting God up. Hiding behind the protection of those four walls doesn't show a lost and dying world the greatness of God. I wonder how many of us would be like the man in my story that would stand up amoung unbeleivers and pray for someone without hesitation. And oh by the way.... when the man went to his next doctors visit the doctor said...We must have made a mistake,,,,you don't have brain cancer!!! LIFT UP THE NAME OF JESUS!!!!