Sunday, June 26, 2011


St. John chapter 8' Jesus stooped down, and wrote on the ground. And one by one they just walked away. Why was it Because of what he wrote? Was it because he said he that has no sin? Or was it because they, at that moment knew they were just as guilty as she was? Maybe not of the same sin! But what is the greatest sin? Is it what she had done? Or is it just as bad to pass judgement on someone? These men had stones in their hands, they had already decided she was guilty. How often have I done that? Decided someone deserved what ever happened! Or maybe I did not feel like they got what thy deserved. Jesus could have threw the first stone, the only one there that had never sinned (HE FORGAVE HER ON THE SPOT)!!! And she did not even have to be asked, he just did it. I sometimes won't forgive even when someone ask me to. I say "They did not mean it!!!" And in doing that I'm JUST AS GUILTY