Thursday, June 9, 2011


HEY the NFL is in a labor dispute over adding games, The NFL wants to add 2 games to the season and drop 2 from preseason. I would bet they add the 2 season games and leave the 2 preseason games. Lets look and see what has happened in the past, NBA was talking about dropping the season games from 82 to 75 and expanding their playoffs. WELL they still play 82 games a season and they expanded the playoffs. The NHL was considering reducing from 82 to 60 and doubling the size of their playoffs. They doubled the size of their playoffs and they still play 82 games. This seems to be a pattern we do in all our life decisions. We're adding carnal things. In the 70's we had 6 channels on TV now we have somewhere in the hundreds. I assume we are adding to God as well since we are constantly adding to our carnal walk. Back in the 70's every church had a least 3 services a week, some had 4. So surely now we've expanded that, so now let's look at that. No instead most church's now only have 2 some only have 1, very few have 3. When you had a Revival it lasted weeks, now when we have one it might last 2 days. I know I started out from a sports angle, but this is the pattern. Every time you add something to your carnal walk you have to take something away from God. And so, spiritually the churches die. While our carnal life seems to be growing stronger. Eventually if we continue to take things away from God, he will no longer exist in us. At some point we have to turn the page, and start adding back to God and start taking away from the flesh the things it loves. It will hurt the flesh, but maybe the miracles will come back to the church. NOT maybe, they will. Every time we add something carnal, we take away from God and make it less likely that he will perform miracles. If we can turn this page he will turn the page too and give back the things we lost. The book of Joel tells us, that he will restore the things the cancer worm has eaten. What do you think the cancer worm is? OUR Flesh. Let's return to God so God can return to us.