Thursday, January 24, 2013


We are living in a times like no other, one that I believe will bring the mark of the beast, I believe the 6th trumpet wil sounded in late March, or ealy April, Revelation 9: 13-15. I see people siners and christian A like, geting ready for what thy believe is going to be a bad next 4yr, and i agrea with them, I believe March will tell us just who the elect is. But my consern is what im seeing for those of us that call your self chrisian, yes the bible tell us to get your self ready , but i see no consern for siners none, God sayed he would give us what we need, sow we sill need the be about the Fathers bissnes, and what is that. "wining souls" But whan are we doing, bying guns, bulets, food, moveing to what we think is a saver place. Now look if JESUS don't keep us thene there is no save place. The savest place is to be about the Fathers bissnes, keep trying to win souls, whene was the last time you try to win soumme one? Look i maybe wrong about March, all this may not happen then , but it will happen, sow the savest place to be is working for the Lord, and going to church is not working for the Lord. It's a place to get oil in your lamp, sow you can see the way , in what will be the darkes hr. of all are life's. Sow get out there and do soummthing you probly never don be for, try to win souls that will be the savest place you can find GOD BLESS YOU ALL