Saturday, January 19, 2013
A leader
What is a leader? Well it's not somme one that stand to the side and pont's the way, A leader get's out infront, and he's the first through fire, the water, the mud, the thorns, and what ever is in the way. Now ask your self; do I no a leader? AS for me I no a lot of pastor; but not a lot of leaders, and most pastor I no don't lead they pont. In there defenc they can't lead if you don't want to follow. When people get fat and laz thay don't what to be lead, that don't even what to get out of bed. Well that is where the church is. It don't have leaders, it has ponters, it don;t have followers, it has fat laz cry babis. We are being ponted right for the angel in the road in num 22, and we don't see him, and the ponter/pastor can't see him, there blinded by money, telling us that if we give them money God will give us money.(1timothy 6:5) Puting every doller in the pan that we can aford, becous your ponter tell us will get rich. But the bible say blessing not riches there is a huge diffrenc, how you going to spind this money if you don't take the MARK, but if you take the MARK then your not blessed of God. This is on us now! If im right about the month of March, we need leaders not ponters, will you stand in the gap and make up the hege? will you go through fire first? will you stand alone if you have to? if you wight for summe one els to stand up first then it will be to late, TAKE A STAND now when it don't seem nessery, then look behind you and watch the line from behind you. this is not to no one person, it's to the cry babis to stop crying and started following, it's to the ponters to stop ponting and start leading, it's to anyone that has enough back bone to stand up. GOD BLESS YOU ALL