Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The end of the dollar?

I blog this pass January that the dollar would claps on March 13, and hear we are March 6, and the dow just hit an all time hi. Does that mean my prophsey was wrong? Will it look that way , but I'm not going to make any excuse's. What I will say is look around you, and search your hart, and you can fill something in the air, something that's that just not right, if you search your hart it will tell you there is big problems on the way, and soon! Do we panic, no, but there is thing that has to change, I have talk about two of them on this blog, and one blog that some how never got on hear. I was toll the other day that I'm at the bottom of the toedumpoll, well that right where i wont to be. I'm not a propht, I'm just the dumb donkey that see something in the road, I don't no what, but I'm not in competition with on one, it's just my job to pray till God tells me what it is, and then for me to tell others. If I'm the last one to no I don't care, as long as i no in time to warn the one's I'm accountable for, and that is the way we all need to be. But I have see this in your church, every one want's to be the first to know, sow they can ware it like it's a metal, and I hope I'm wrong about March 13, becous I no if I'm right it wont be nothing to be happy about. It will be a day of sorrow!!! GOD BLESS YOU ALL