Gen 2:17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. This was the only rule Adam and Eve had to abide by. If they eat of this tree judgement would surley come and death would find them.
Gen 3:6 ......she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her and he did eat. They failed to follow the only law that was given. Just a few verses later we find God walking through the Garden and says "Where art thou?" Those are three scary words to hear when you know you've done wrong. Especialy for Adam who knew the punishment of his deeds.
We all know that Adam did not die that day physically. So what spared his life. When God says judgement is coming there is no stopping it. BUT God also loves man so much that he made him in his own likeness. Using a little of imagination you could see the conflict that arose out of this. Judgement was screaming for Adam's life. Love was pleeding for Adam's forgiveness.
As these to massive emotions come together they begin to make a deal. When Judgement and Love came together they created MERCY. Judgement took the spiritual life of Adam. Leaving him now needing to be reconciled back to God. Love saved the physical life of Adam. Slaying a lamb and covering him in the blood.
While the Garden was the fall of man, it was also the Birth of Mercy
by: Ron Butler