Monday, March 5, 2012


In the first articul i explained prime rating .How JESUS [The prime rated] is Lord and Savior. Now I'll deal with our sub prime worship. You never thought of it this way  , stop and think a minute on this, We come to church, tired wore out, ready to rest,we're there in body only. So when the worship starts what happens ,we give him sub prime worship some times and then sometimes we give God nothing.What did i say about sub prime rating it's a person thats high risk. That's how we worship, sometimes we worship and sometimes not. We never give JESUS what HE deserves prime rated worship.. We can come up with sorts of reasons why we can't worship God We do everything else we want at the prime rating.  WE watch prime time T V .We can go give our prime best to ball games. We can fist for the prime fish. At these things we never get tired.Yet when it come to JESUS all we give him is sub prime rated. We sit around ,we stair in the air, we show off our new clothing. I the spirit of God does move only a few receive a blessing because we offer so little.our worship is sub prime. Do you understand what sub prime is ,it's below standard : we're not even giving standard worship. our worship is below standard. We are sub prime rated in our worship. So how do we climb out of this hole, read part 3 of sub prime rating. by arva harlen