Thursday, August 2, 2012
They came with pink ballons making it look like a big wonderful party, a celibration. They said, "hey! Everythings going to be ok, we can fix it." They were oh! So convincing. We were riding the big wonderful party horse. It was happening for us, and everyone around us,we were living the good life. Everyone bought in to this, Rev. 13:14, And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth.... When the money got tight, they said,"don't worry we'll take care of you,"they gave us a check and food stamps. Sooo! We became dependent on them. When we needed health care they gave us medicare and medicaid. When they ran out of money they printed more money, than gave us loans. When they saw the dept frightened people they sold it to China to keep everyone happy. But as this pink ballon gets bigger and bigger things get more dangerious. What will happen when the pink ballon pops. Our big party horse is dead and has been dead a long time. The ease and comfort we have will soon be gone. Destruction and death will take the place of our celibration. Who should be warning the people ? You and I thats who. Ezekiel 33:6 But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned:..... his blood will I require at his hands. We have been partying so long we can't see whats taking place. God woke me this morning as he showed me this I wept, asking God to help. What could I do? We need to WAKE UP. WE ARE ON THE ROAD TO DESTRUCTION. There never was a party, we nevere had pink ballons, never a celibration. The devil has always been in the lead of this deception. Long ago the watchmen stopped crying out, they wanted to join the celibration. After all its more fun to party than to cry out. But what will be our end if no one crys out WAKE UP LOOK AT WHATS HAPPENING. 1Thessalonians 5:3 For when they shall say peace and safety; then sudden destruction, cometh upon them....and they shall not escape...