Thursday, June 7, 2012

Great peace

How much do you know about Psalm 119 ? Most people just know it as the longest chapter in the BIBLE, but it has one of the most powerfull statments in the BIBLE.[ Great peace have they which love thy law]. But it;s not just about that one scripture, all threw that chapter it makes it very clear that, [great peace, or peace of mind], only come from knowing God word. We can see this in Isaiah 55 as well. Two chapters that make this statent that there is only one way to peace of mind. I know a lot of people that have ben in church there hole life, or at least most of it, and thay know sow very little about the BIBLE, and most of them strugle with a trubbled mind, worry, fear, frustration, the list is long when it came to thing that point to a trubbled mind, and there is only one way to fix it. Ill bet you did not know that, [ Revelation 3:18 I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich] is talking about "peace of mind". And why is it that when your reading your BIBLE you get sleppy? Because it put your mind at peace, and i know prayer, and the holy ghost, give you peace of mind and i beleave that!!! But the BIBLE SAYED in [ psalm 19, Isaiah 55, and revelation 3] that knowing GOD's WORD is what gives us peace of mind. And when you have this GOLD you can go threw the fire knowing you will come out on the other side just fine! It's good that you sat under a preacher all those year's and lesoned to him. But what said is if you did not take the times to learn it for your self, maybe that is why you can't sleep at night, maybe that is why you worry all the time. GOD'S WORD IS GOLD, TAKE THE TIME TO HIDE IT IN YOUR HEART AND YOU WILL HAVE GREAT PEACE!