Friday, May 25, 2012


You are the engineer on a steam engine; the train and all the cars behind are climbing up in too the mountains. The passengers are enjoying this pleasent trip, the scenery is breath taking ,the steady rythemic rocking of the cars puts everyone in a relaxed state. You've taken this trip many timesover this mountain range , nothing had ever gone wrong before. You had checked the breaks, the boiler, the coalben; you had talked to the conductor,the breakman,and the man who shovled coal. These men were friends you trusted, they'd went with you on many trips,so everything was in order. As you travel the engine tops the mountain peak and start down the other side; at first you don't realize theres trouble : then the train picks up momentum, you look at the gages,you howler back, we have a problem up here, the boiler man comes forward trying to help you figer out whats wrong. As you puzzel over the problem ,you think ,WHAT? " NO BREAKS," you screem. You pull the rope,the blast from the whistle is heard as the engine rapidly picks up speed. The gentel rocking of the passenger cars have become jolts ans jerks, the passengers have become excited ,they are all asking the conductor to do something. Faster,faster down the mountain you move. The train is coming to a sharp cruve , it's to late, "it's TO LATE," you cry. All is lost there are no survivors. This is the way many people live their lives today,moving faster, and faster; not thinking of the collion course their livves are taking, and all the people that will be impacked . They feel it to late,they can't jump off they must ride this train out. There is a way you can stop the spirel of your life. I know many that have. Is it easy? It's all according to how bad you want to change. Jesus is the life changer.He can turn things around for you. ALL YOU DO IS ASK HIM. bE HOLD I STAND AT THE DOOR AND KNOCK,IF ANY MAN OPEN THE DOOR I WILL COME IN TO HIM ,AND SUP WITH HIM AND HE WITH ME.Revelations 3:20 . You can't change the world or those around you, but JESUS CAN. Hebrews 13:8 JESUS CHRIST THE SAME YESTERDAY TODAY, AND FOREVER.