Thursday, July 21, 2011


If you do not know what this is, you owe it to your self to find out. The Catholic Church will tell you that this is just friendly dispute between Polycarp and Pope Victor about Easter, but it's much more than that. The last thing the apostle John was believed to have said was about this controversy! He order Polycarp to stand his ground. Quartodecimen got Palycarp burned at the stake, as well as Timothy's son and Titus' grandson. The dispute also got thousands of Christians in Asia miner killed, it created of the Catholic Church, and the counsel of Nisan in 325 A.D. If it was just over whether to observe JESUS death or his reassertion, then why did Catholic Church kill so many? And why was Palycarp willing to risk what was a peaceful time in the Church? For what would bring about the end of the Church in Asia. Lets look at the counsel of Nisan in 325 A.D. A dispute over "Easter" would bring about the forming of this counsel, and it would change the Church world FOREVER, a lot of the things we still do in our Church was put in by that counsel. I could go on about this a lot longer, but let me ask you to look into this. It will take a lot of time, but if you will just look in to this you may change a lot of thing in your Church.