Sunday, November 10, 2013
Finger pointing
Jhn 8:1-6
Jesus went unto the mount of Olive
And early in the morning he came again into the temple, and all the people came unto him; and he sat down, and taught them
And the scribes and Pharisees brought unto him a woman taken in adultery; and when they had set her in the mids
They say unto him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act.
Now Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stoned: but what sayest thou?
This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not.
How many of us are like this so quit to pick up stones, sow fast to point fingers at anther, when we are just as guilty as them, is it that our soul is crying out and trying to tell us that we need to change are life to get your heart where it need to be with GOD. But we like to please the flesh so just like the men in JHN 8, we say GOD look at what there doing, and are finger pointing is just as bad or worse than throwing stones, I think when we look in the mirror and see we are just as bad, that is when we get mead at someone doing the same thing, we want to stop but we like the way it makes the flesh fill , so instead we point are finger at everyone that is doing the same thing, maybe GOD won't see us, 1Peter 4ch say love covers all sin, so what are we doing when we point others sin's out, I know there is a time when sin has to be pointed out, but it has to be done is the right spirit, not when I'm made, or just trying to cover my sin ,it's love that covers my sin"s, not my finger pointing.