Friday, May 3, 2013

They are watching your children at school! The blog I posted on the 4/14/13 toll us about a big data center in Utah, and now Fox News is saying starting today every word your children say can be heard, no shock wight? One mite say they probable been doing it all alone, true, but when you look at this 100 million sq foot data center in Utah, at less I think wow they now have the ability to (save every word)! Think about that, how often have you said thing in front of your children and tolled then you better not repeat that! And you on to spied your best effort you no they will, and how often is it about uncle Sam, they will have the ability to not just hear but (save it), we have all believed that they can list, but (save) for a later, and why? This 100 million sq foot data center will be able to store every work said by every person in the world 100 times over, yes 700 billion, people. Why does need to be sow big? there has only been about 30 billion people on this earth in it's history, I think we will learn, no i know we will learn but far to late, this data base will be able to pull up every word you ever said faster than you can wight your name. Starting around the first of the year, every text, ph call, email, facebook, tweet, blog, tv, will be routed through it (and stored),for what I ask? By the time we fined out it will be to late. I had someone say what if this turned out to be a good thing? Will then on harm on foul, but what it turned out to be something bad? I'm not saying hit the panack buttion, I no Uncle Sam don't have the man power listen to you all the time, but he will have a massive data bass to store it. I'm sorry for repeating my self but why! I think if you look at my last three blogs you no why. THIS IS REAL God bless you all