Friday, April 12, 2013

You probably think that the government has more than enough (or WAY too much) access and oversight into your daily lives and decisions, but, surprise surprise, they want more. In fact, according to the IRS,and FBI, they already have more. “The IRS, and FBI, has claimed that the agents do not need warrants to read e-mails, text messages, or other private electronic communications,” “Documents obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request from the ACLU reveal that the IRS,and FBI, might think it has the ability to obtain communications without a warrant for its investigations of violations ACLU staff attorney Nathan Freed Wessler wrotethat the documents received do not answer directly if the IRS, and FBI, obtains a warrant for emails, text messages and other communications, but “they suggest otherwise”: The documents the ACLU obtained make clear that, before Warshak, it was the policy of the IRS, and FBI, to read people’s email without getting a warrant. Not only that, but the IRS, and FBI, believed that the Fourth Amendment did not apply to email at all. A 2009 “Search Warrant Handbook” from the FBI Criminal Tax Division’s Office of Chief Counsel baldly asserts that “the Fourth Amendment does not protect communications held in electronic storage, such as email messages stored on a server, because internet users do not have a reasonable expectation of privacy in such communications.” Again in 2010, a presentation by the IRS Office of Chief Counsel asserts that the “4th Amendment Does Not Protect Emails Stored on Server” and there is “No Privacy Expectation” in those emails. Sounds concerning, right? “I guess they’re going after Facebook too, ACLU attorney Nathan Fteed. “They are now putting agents on Facebook. If they expect you’re committing fraud. How much more power are going to give people in the government? They now say they don’t need warrants to listen to your phone conversations or read your e-mail. This is something that should shock and horrify everybody in this country. Everybody in this country when we were up in arms about the PATRIOT Act, and there stupid response to that was, ‘they’ll never do that. Well i hope we learn from our lesson because now they are doing that. I wish i could just post the hole story, but this along with the story out of Colorado, should get your attinsion. God bless all of us