Saturday, August 25, 2012
For in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion; in the secret plac of his tabernacle he shall hide me. He shall set me high upon a rock. And also look at [ psalms 91 and 31: 20 and 32:7] God has a secret place that is unknown to your enemies. In the tabernacle of the old covenant there was a place behind the veil, that was called the holiest of holies. Only the priest could enter there. It was unknown to the common man. The veil was done away with when JESUS was crucified. That means we are all able to hide in that secret place
You are invited to live in his presences-----His secret place. In his presences is fullness of joy. He will preserve you in your trouble, he will sorround you with songs of joy and hope, he will set you on high, he will hide you from the plots of man, he will be your fortress and refuge. You can trust in him , and you will find him in [PSALMS 27- PSALMS 31- PSAMLS 32- PSALMS 91] But best of all you will find him standing right beside you!