Jesus kept all of the law perfectly but this consisted of more than just the outward obedience. Remember at the sermon on the mount he gaven us the true definition of the law. There was an internal righteousness to the law that the Pharisees neglected to keep. Thy thought they had kept the law correctly by their outward obedience, however Jesus pointed what the law actually commanded, inner obedience. Christ gave us the true interpretation that they were to live up to. This was more than just 10 commandments it was 613. While the Pharisees argued of their not violating the law of " thou shalt not murder" because they physically did not commit murder. Jesus pointed out that if one has hatred in their heart toward another this was transgression of the law { Mt. 5:21-26} so for one not to break the law they had to act perfectly from both the inside and out and not harbor any bitterness or animosity toward another.{ CONFORMITY TO RULER AND REGULATIONS WOULD ONLY AFFECT THE OUTWARD.} What we need is to be affected from the inside. That means a change of our inner nature, anything short of this does not change our spirit which rules over our flesh. Anyone can practice christian principles by tithing, doing good deeds, praying, and fasting. Buddhist do that! What make one a Christian is the new birth, which gives one a new motivation and attitude from the hart, it is a change of man's inner nature. This is why Jesus scolded the religious leaders of his day. Thy had the look down pat, but inside they were rotting from their sin. It is the reason God came as a man to give us a perfect example of how are {HART} needs to be fixed
The Sermon on the mount foces on it first! and the rest will take care of it's self