Tuesday, January 17, 2012


I had some one tell me the other day. they just make lots of mistakes.there& walk with GOD , I don't intend to be judgmental. but I Wonder how often we clam we made a mistake when it was something we made a decision to do, I no people make mistakes. but when we choose to do something we no is not right "that is not a mistake". I think that may fall in the willful category. and God looks at that a lot different, Jesus is long suffering. but even Jesus will not put up with willful sins for ever, Be truthful with your self you no the deference between a mistake and a decision, The Bible tell us that if willfully sin there remain no more scarifies for sin,Hebrews 10;26 But (1john 2;1 say we have advocate with the father Jesus Christ the righteous) God is very long surfing when it come to your mistakes, But how much longer will he put up with your willful sins