Hebrews 8;12 For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and there sins, and iniquities will I remember no more. The Bible tells us this, but what does this mean? I head some one tell me today that we first have to understand God !!!! REALLY? Isaiah 55;8 For my thoughts are not your, neither are your ways my ways. We can't understand God, sow we have to take the Bible for what it stayed. I believe that remember not means, he forgets. But if someone wants to believe that God remembers there sins. Well I don't no what to say about that. But this person toll me if God could forget than we would be able do something God could not. Well God can't lie, and we can. I have hared all my life God will cast your sins in the sea or forgetfulness. Will the Bible don't say that. But at lest 5 times it says, remember not, or remember no more. Sow what ever that means to you, is between you and God. All I no is I don't understand God, and maybe I don't understand what remember not means.
But if it means my name is in the book of life that is all that matters!!!!!!!!!