1 SAMUEL 17; 32-35, When David was faced with Goliath, he remembered all the other times GOD was there when he needed him, the lion, the bear, was no match for GOD, and this uncircumcised Philistine would not be ether. It's no deterrent for me and you, when you reach the lowest point in your life that you have ever seen, just remember GOD was there every other time for you. Not always fixing it the way we think it needed fixed, but it got fixed every time.
Your willingness to let GOD fix it his way will determine how fast it gets done, don't try to tell GOD how to do it, or when to do it, GOD Know's how big your Goliath is, and he Know's better than you how to get rid of him.
So the next time you face A problem just remember, GOD was there the last time, and he will be there this time!