Friday, July 29, 2011
On May 20Th 2011 at approximately 5:50 pm;the worst storm ever to hit Joplin Mo. had a tornado in it packing 200 miles an hour winds. It was a mile wide, moving at only 20 miles per hour. It stayed on the ground for 12 miles killing 151 people. Wiping out houses, businesses, churches and trees. The landscape will never be the same. Prov. 22: 28 became very clear to me the other day when I went to Joplin. I had an errand to run. I was looking for a certain street. I became confused nothing was familiar. The damage was so severe I couldn't find the street I was looking for even tho it was only 2 blocks away. This may sound strange, but with no landmarks it is hard to find your way. Prov. 22: 28 says this "don't move the landmark". Why? Because with nothing to mark the way we become lost and confused. I look at the church as a whole, we have moved the landmarks. The boundaries are blurred. We are stumbling about trying to find our way. We speak the same words, we sing the same songs, we do the correct things, but we are empty, confused and lost. We are playing church like children, instead of having church the way God intended. God's truths are no longer a part of our everyday lives. With no familiar guidance it's easy for people to get off track and loose their way. Instead of seeking the one who has the answer, we stumble on groping for answers. What to do? Pray, pray earnestly, sincerely that God would guide us in rebuilding the landmarks in our life. Study his word, let it become your chief joy. Then the boundaries will be straightened, the lines will be clear, we'll do what is important. We'll find peace, assurance and rest and the joy of the Lord will be our strength in this troubled world.